Membership Application

This is the member registration form for people based in overseas locations outside of Japan.
If you are based in a Japanese location, please register from here (Japanese language only).

  1. Input

  2. Confirm

About Registration

Chemical-Navi® is your one stop for accurate technical information and business development support.
We welcome people from the business and academic fields to learn more about colloid chemistry.
Information on your application must be accurate and as detailed as possible.
There are cases when we decline applications for the reasons outlined below:

  • Purpose of membership is not clear.
  • Type of organization involved is not clear or inaccurate.
  • The information is inaccurate or incomplete.

After registration, a confirmation mail will be sent to your registered email address within 24 hours. The status of your application will be notified through mail within one week.

*Required field

First Name*

Last Name*



Password (Confirmation)*

Please enter an alphanumeric password with at least eight characters. Do not use any special characters like !,#,$,%.

Company / Organization Name*

Division / Department Name*


Job Category*

Organization Type*


You can browse products and request samples from selected and unselected fields.




How did you find this website?*

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